EPOS EXPAND 30+ Speakerphone

EPOS EXPAND 30+ Speakerphone

  • WORKS WITH – PC (USB-A & USB-C cable) + USB BT Dongle
  • Cable and Bluetooth USB connection
  • Bluetooth for Mobile connection

EPOS EXPAND 30+ Speakerphone

EPOS | Sennheiser
Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $241.91.
25% OFF
Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $241.91.
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Portable, wireless, Bluetooth® speakerphone with exceptional audio performance. Supports personal and small to medium sized conferencing for up to 8 people. UC optimized and Skype for Business Certified. Incl. Bluetooth® USB dongle for PC/softphone.

The EXPAND 30 Series incorporates portable wireless speakerphones for today’s mobile workforce. The series enhances your collaborations, enabling clear alignment and constructive problem-solving among your team regardless of time, space and location.

Supporting both personal and small to medium sized conferencing up to eight people, it is possible to set up a call at a moment’s notice or use the device as part of a permanent conference room solution.
Connect your device easily via a choice of  Bluetooth® or USB-C and start collaborating with your colleagues immediately. Enhanced voice pickup and superior speaker sound enables everyone on the call to engage with the same confidence and clarity as if being there in person. For relaxing between calls, enjoy impressive music performance with EPOS’ renowned sound quality.
Crafted from premium materials, the EXPAND 30 Series is a crucial collaboration tool both for in and out of the office.



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EPOS EXPAND 30+ Speakerphone

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